institutional policies

Emeritus Policy

Emeritus Policy

In recognition of service to Macomb Community College, the Board of Trustees will grant retiring full-time faculty and administrators, serving at the associate dean's level or above, an honorary title corresponding to the title held immediately before retirement, which shall be known as "emeritus."

  1. Eligibility requirements:
    Retiring employees will be eligible for emeritus designation if they have:
    1. Demonstrated satisfactory performance;
    2. No adverse personnel decisions currently on file and no significant disciplinary history during the five years preceding retirement;
    3. Fulfilled all other terms and conditions of employment; and
    4. At least twenty years of full-time service to Macomb Community College.
  2. Procedures for consideration:
    1. Retiring individuals may submit an application to Human Resources stating how they meet the eligibility requirements of this policy and requesting consideration.
    2. Upon verifying eligibility, the Administration will automatically recommend eligible employees to the Board of Trustees.
    3. The Board of Trustees will act upon the Administration's recommendations on a semi-annual basis, typically during the months of June and December.
    4. Eligible employees who retired before the adoption of this policy may request emeritus designation by following the procedure outlined in A. above.
    5. Individuals demonstrating special circumstances may be granted emeritus designation upon recommendation of the President and approval by the Board of Trustees.
  3. Privileges:
    1. Emeriti will receive a printed resolution of the Board of Trustees' action granting the emeritus designation.
    2. Emeriti will receive invitations to formal College events and academic functions.
    3. Emeritus designation does not confer any additional rights, privileges, remuneration, or other benefit beyond those set forth in this policy.

Approved by the Board of Trustees
Macomb Community College
April 17, 2007
(Reviewed by Office of General Counsel, July 11, 2024)