Assessment Resources

Assessment Resources

The Office of Academic Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning provides resources and offers professional development to support assessment activities across the college. The Office of Academic Development assists in the creation of rubrics and the analysis of assessment data, and generates reports for faculty on assessment results.

Institutional Assessment Plan for Student Learning

The Institutional Assessment Plan for Student Learning defines best practices at Macomb, outlines assessment processes, and provides a structure for outcomes and assessment activities.

College Portal: Assessment Resource Center

Faculty and staff have a dedicated Assessment Resource Center on the MyMacomb portal. In the Assessment Resource Center, faculty and staff have access to forms and documents, workbooks and videos regarding institutional, program and course assessment. These resources are available to guide and assist faculty during the assessment process. Furthermore, through the Assessment Resource Center, faculty and staff have access to the “Using Assessment Results” webpage. This page contains a compilation of resources based on the most recently assessed common degree outcome. These resources consist of instructional strategies and materials faculty can use to help students develop skills related to each outcome.

All completed Action Plans and reports are housed in the Assessment Resource Center.

Faculty and Staff Professional Development & Support

Each semester the Office of Academic Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning offers professional development to faculty focused on different aspects of assessment such as outcome and skill alignment and using assessment data to implement strategies for student learning. These workshops provide opportunities for faculty to receive curriculum and assessment support, develop new instructional strategies, and integrate activities into courses that are designed to improve student learning. All professional development opportunities are published in the Faculty and Staff Professional Development Brochure that is distributed at the beginning of each new semester. The Center for Teaching and Learning staff are also available for one-on-one assessment support.


Macomb’s standing committees, ad hoc committees and advisory boards provide assessment support and resources to the college. Please see examples below.

  • Curriculum Committee (standing committee composed of faculty and administrators)
  • Assessment Committee
  • Advisory Boards in career areas such as Marketing provide insight and guidance on program outcomes

Highlighted Resources