Mariya Akhlaq hopes to shape the future with a computer science degree
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 12:00 AM

Coding and cooking may not seem like they share many similarities, but to Mariya Akhlaq they both offer an opportunity to make life more fulfilling. The same goes for her work-study assignment.
“The way technology influences our world fascinates me,” said Akhlaq, a computer science major and 2023 graduate of Warren Mott High School. “I believe the key to shaping the future is with technology.”
Akhlaq will start her second year at Macomb in fall 2024 and intends to transfer to a university in fall 2025 to pursue a bachelor’s degree and a career as a software engineer.
“I aspire to work with the leading tech companies,” offered Akhlaq, “contributing to groundbreaking projects and making a positive impact on society through technology.”
Cooking to unwind
Likewise, Akhlaq enjoys the challenge of cooking competitively and preparing new dishes for family and friends, pulling recipes figuratively out of a bowl not unlike a game of charades.
“Whenever people ask what I can make, I tell them to provide a recipe,” said Akhlaq. “I’ll whip up anything they want. It’s my way of turning recipes into delicious experiences for others.”
Although briefly entertaining the idea of majoring in culinary arts instead of computer science, Akhlaq didn’t want to ruin a good thing.
“I love experimenting, and cooking and baking things that I have never tried before,” said Akhlaq. “But it remains a hobby that I enjoy whenever I want to unwind.”
Work-study to grow
Emigrating to the U.S. from Bangladesh when they were young, Akhlaq’s parents settled in Michigan, where she and her three siblings were born. The family lives in Warren with Akhlaq’s cat Amira, whose name means “princess” in Bengali. Considering its proximity to her home, Macomb made sense when it was time to choose a college, and she hasn’t been disappointed.
“The professors and people on campus have truly made me feel welcome. I’ve learned many new things and met a lot of new people,” said Akhlaq. “Macomb offers students so many opportunities.”
One of those opportunities is Federal Work-Study, a program tied to federal student aid that provides students with part-time, paying jobs on campus or at a nearby nonprofit organization. A work-study’s hours are scheduled around their classes and the experience is resume material. The program connected Akhlaq with a clerical assistant position in Macomb’s office of College Advancement and Community Relations.
“I really enjoy my work-study assignment. It has allowed me to enhance my communication and organizational skills, deal with diverse situations and develop a strong sense of professionalism,” said Akhlaq, “I am really happy I had this opportunity.”
It’s another reason, she said, “My experience as a Macomb student has been amazing so far.”